We are happy to announce that our new 140 litre kerbside FOGO bins are made from 100% recycled kerbside bins! Old and damaged bins that are no longer suitable for use are collected from the community and returned to the bin manufacturer where they are shredded and made into new bins. Due to the variability in colour of the old bins, a black dye is used to create a uniform colour for the new bins.
If you don’t already participate and would like to sign up to the kerbside FOGO (food organics & garden organics) collection service, you can select between a regular 240 litre FOGO bin or one of the new 140 litre bins. The smaller bins are particularly good where storage space is an issue or for small households that don’t generate a lot of waste. They are also lighter to move around.
Click here or call NAWMA on 8259 2100 to order your FOGO bin today.