Kerbside Bins

NAWMA manages kerbside collection services for waste, recycling and food and garden organics for approximately 120,000 properties throughout the Salisbury, Playford and Gawler Council areas.

NAWMA supplies and maintains the following bins for residential properties:

140 litre
red lid
waste bin

240 litre
yellow lid
recycling bin

140 litre or 240 litre
green lid FOGO
(food and garden
organics) bin

Kerbside waste bins (red lid) are emptied on a weekly basis and recycling bins (yellow lid) every fortnight. Food and garden organics bins (green lid) are emptied fortnightly on the alternate week to household recycling.

To check collection dates, go to Kerbside Bin Collections.

Bins should be placed on the kerb at least 30cm apart, by 7am on collection day.  Please ensure your bin is an approved collection bin, not overloaded (80kg maximum), not contaminated, not obstructing footpaths or walkways and clear of parked vehicles and other obstructions such as trees and electricity poles so that our contractor can access them. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in your bin not being collected.

For further information, ring the Customer Experience Team on 8259 2100.