Cardboard boxes come in many different sizes and NAWMA can recycle them all! From tiny lipstick boxes to breakfast cereal boxes to enormous flat screen TV and hot water system boxes, they are all good to be recycled into new cardboard products.
At NAWMA’s Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Edinburgh, sorters remove cardboard as it travels along a conveyor belt with other items collected in yellow-lid recycling bins. You can help to increase the amount that the sorters collect by flattening and bundling all of your cardboard together inside one box. This will also give you more space in your yellow-lid recycling bins for other things like glass bottles and steel cans.
What about large cardboard boxes?
If you have very large cardboard boxes, you have two recycling options:
1. Cut them into smaller pieces, then stack them into a smaller box to recycle via the yellow-lid bin, or
2. Take the intact boxes to a Resource Recovery Centre at Edinburgh North or Pooraka where they will be accepted for free (up to a 6 x 4 caged trailer load).